Guest Blog: Tayler Stephens and Her PA School Journey

God has done it again! I’m beyond excited to announce that I’ve been ACCEPTED to PA School. God is so faithful and he keeps His promises. Last cycle I applied to about 18 schools, received 2 interviews, 1 waitlist, and 1 acceptance. Let me be completely honest with y’all!! My application was pretty good, but a red flag was that my science GPA wasn’t as “strong” as the average applicant, but I know what was strong and that was my FAITH! I knew my science GPA was low for some schools but I trusted God and I knew that what he had for me was for me despite my stats! It didn’t matter what it looked like because I knew no matter what, God had me. Y’all, my faith carried me through this journey do you hear me!!!!!

Almost every day I spoke that I was getting into PA school on the first try! I will not have to apply again. Four months after applying, my top choice sent me a rejection letter! I remember going into my sister’s room saying “man they denied me but it’s okay; that must not be where God wants me to go.” A month later I received more rejection letters. I was like “Nah hold on Lord.” I had moments where I got down, but I told Him I would keep my faith because I truly believe that I’d be getting accepted somewhere! The rejection letters kept rolling in but lo and behold at the beginning of September I received my 1st Interview offer!

My interview was in January and I thought it went so well! I loved everything about the school and I just knew I had it in the bag. Well, weeks came and went, and I was like “man God I thought this was the school for me!” I kept hearing of people getting accepted to the school and I was like I don’t care I’m still believing God! Two of the girls that were in my January interview were talking about preparing to apply next cycle and I kept telling them “Y’all I’m going to continue to believe God! I’m not applying again because I’m going to get in!’ (They probably got so tired of me saying that). Well, at the end of February I decided to apply to this school before the March 1st deadline.

When I first started applying I thought about applying to this school, but I never did (It’s in a small town and I was only going to apply to big cities, so it would be like what I’m used to) well, God will definitely take you out of your comfort zone . . . So, I applied and a few days later I heard my phone ringing, I saw the city on my phone and did a double take and was like nobody can be calling me from that city except that school! I answered, and they were calling to offer me an interview spot! I was so happy!!!!

My interview was scheduled in the next two weeks. I left the interview feeling really good! They said the earliest we should hear back was a week later and by mail. I was going out of town, so I checked the mail before I left and there was no letter. Two days later someone kept calling me on “private” all day. I wasn’t expecting it to be the school because they said we should hear by mail. They kept calling so I finally answered, and it was the PA program I interviewed at 2 weeks ago. They said they wanted to let me know that they wanted to offer me a seat into our 2020 class!!!! When I tell y’all I was so happy! The way I celebrated and screamed was unreal! I was so happy and still am! I have moments where I’m still like God you did it!!!! I got into PA school! You did this God!!!! Thousands of applicants, 32 seats and you allowed me to be a part of that 32. Y’all don’t even understand my journey! It’s been a long time coming and in 2 1/2 years, I will be Tayler Stephens PA-C. God never ceases to amaze me, you guys. If you just stick with him, you never have anything to worry about! He will see you through and I can promise you that. See I thought I knew where I was going but God had a different plan! He knew exactly where I needed to be. So here is to PA school! To BIG faith!!! To trusting God no matter what! If I can do it, y’all can too! I know that He will be with me every step of the way!!!

I am like “okay nah Holy Spirit me and you both got accepted (bahahaha) and we are in this together!” It’s been a long time coming but I’m one step closer to doing what I love and I’m forever grateful for the journey. I started PA School last month and God has definitely blown my mind. I’m so grateful for the opportunity to serve in this capacity. ❤
P.S. don’t get me wrong this journey had its ups and downs, it’s stressful moments but God made it so worth it!

– Blog Post by Tayler Stephens; She runs a blog with her twin sister who is a mother/baby nurse. Check them out at Find her on Instagram @ Incomparabletay

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